Antique Lamp Supply - Chandelier and Lamp Parts Store

Antique Lamp Supply - Antique style lighting and lamp parts for repair or restoration since 1952!

Antique Lamp Supply carries a full collection of lamp parts and chandelier parts to renew and refinish your valuable antique or vintage lamps. Find shades, crystals, candle covers, chimneys and other aesthetic pieces to revitalize the look of your favorite lamp, as well as internal electrical components to brighten its light. All our pieces display the authentic look of eras across time and across cultures, from American fifties to Art Deco to English Victorian and many more.

For over sixty years we have helped individuals create and maintain their ideal decor with beautiful lamps, chandeliers, sconces and other fixtures. Whether you are reviving your rare finds, turning generic pieces into vintage gems, replacing worn-out part or building an entire lamp, we can help you do it.

You can find pieces to bring luminosity and style back to your vintage favorites without sacrificing their unique charm.Browse the our collection of vintage lamp and chandelier parts to find your replacement parts or missing pieces. Order shades, fixtures, bulbs, globes, crystal and many more online for your home.


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Whether you are reviving your rare finds, turning generic pieces into vintage gems, replacing worn-out parts or building an entire lamp, we can help you do it. 
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